Saturday, August 9, 2008

Monday, 4. August 2008.
Debra is at work, so I'm hanging out with Lisa. 
She's super helpful and after she's printed out a customized map for me we all go (Lisa, her mom and I) to a couple of bike shops in the morning. I'm meeting my old friend Tara at noon, so I skip bike hunting for now.
I've known Tara since forever. We used to be pen pals because she had found my old fanzine Zips & Chains in a shop in San Francisco and decided to write to me. A the time she was living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Must have been around 1996 or earlier.
Then, when This Side Up played Bellingham, WA (USA) she came down with her husband at the time and we hung out for a few hours. Then the following year we met in Rome again. 
We've just reconnected via Facebook recently, so since she was in Vancouver, BC, Canada (only a few hours from Seattle) we decided to meet here.
Tara has moved into cinematography field and is now shooting/producing documentaries with political background. She pretty much looks the same as when we last met, except that she wears shoes about 3 sizes too big.
We get some delicious Mexican food and wander around the city. We even drop in at Singles Going Steady (at the time the greatest record store in Seattle, now maybe not so anymore) and get a drink at a bar across the street.
I have to split around 6 pm to meet Lisa that has found some bikes off Craig's List in the meantime. We go to Radio Shack so I can put some credit on my phone and Debra reaches us there after work. Some guy tries to steal some equipment, but Lisa figures him out and reports to the store manager.
We're having crepes with chocolate or strawberries or whipped cream for dinner. Adam invades Debra's slash Lisa's kitchen part 2. Yahoooo!

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